Fat Pig Farm Returns as a popup

The Huonvalley is the home to the Grove of Giants, with tees in excess of 61Metres tall with a girth of 20 metres.
1 hr 20 min from Hobart (dirt road)
50 min from Huonville (dirt road)
McDougalls Spur Road 2
Lathamus Keep (Euc. globulus)
80 metres tall
17.6 metre circumference
325 cubic metres
Many other giants easily visible.
If you want to visit the Grove of Giants stay in the accommodation in the Huonvalley at Riverfrontestate
Full Map and details at https://www.bigtreestate.com/grove-of-giants
Using timber plantation shutters can be a great choice depending on your preferences and the style you want to achieve in your space. Here are some considerations to help you decide:
Before making a decision, consider your budget, maintenance preferences, and the overall look you want to achieve. If you appreciate the natural beauty of wood and are willing to invest in a long-lasting window treatment that enhances your home’s aesthetic, timber plantation shutters could be an excellent choice for you.
The main difference between a tilt louvered roof and a retractable louvered roof lies in their functionality and how they control sunlight and weather elements: For full details visit our website
Choosing between them depends on your specific needs regarding weather protection, flexibility in
Taylor and Stirling now manufacture triangle honeycomb blinds. These blinds are suitable for triangle windows and triangle windows with a rectangle below. Blinds for triangle windows are inherently difficult to find, this now gives an additional option for covering the window.
Taylor and Stirling have a new range of Honey Comb blinds, not only a range of new colours, but increased range of textured and sizes. Show here is our new 45mm Cell within cell honeycomb blinds, which is similar to traditional double cell size of 38mm, but have a larger cell and thus better thermal properties. Honeycomb, are a type of window treatment designed with energy efficiency and insulation in mind. Here’s a breakdown of their features and benefits:
Handmade, Small Batch, Sourdough Crumpets made deep in the Huon Valley, we found these at the Glen Huon Farm Gate Shed in Glen Huon, which is the home to the Bruny Island Cheese Milk. So if you are looking for something different call in and get some of the HuonMeCrumpets. These can be purchased at the Glen Huon Farm Shop at Glen Huon.
Riverfront estate is a short drive of 13klms to Fat Pig Farm, it offers perfect accommodation for Fat Pig Farm. If you are looking for accommodation for fat pig farm we cater for up to six people. If you dont want to drive to Fat Pig Farm you can also get a taxi from Southern Taxis (approx. $45 each way) or Uber Ride (approx. $40 each way).